Term Two

Welcome every one. We are in week four and students are settled well and enjoying their language classes.

Grade Ones/Two students will be focusing on seven new alphabetical letters (د، ذ، ر، ز، س، ش، ص). We will be doing different activities with each letter. Activities will include tracing and writing the letter out using different colours; learning new words with the new letters; and focusing on the letters in the beginning, middle and at the end of the words.

Grade Ones/Two students will be focusing on seven new alphabetical letters. We will be doing different activities with each letter. Activities will include tracing and writing the letter out using different colours; learning new words with the new letters; and focusing on the letters in the beginning, middle and at the end of the words.

I would like to encourage parents to engage with their children and ask them about the new letters that the students will be familiar with soon.

We are focusing on Weather and Ramadan in classes for Term Two.

Grade 3/4

Grades Three/Four will be setting their focus on the seasons and the holy month of Ramadan. Students will be given different activities about them. Activities will include reading, writing and spelling. For the month of Ramadan, students will be watching videos that will be focusing on the importance of fasting during Ramadan.

Grade 5/6

Grades five and six will be focusing on the four seasons and doing a poster presentation. They will participate in group presentations about their chosen season. Students will also be doing a detailed study about Ramadan.

Secondary Students will be focusing on chosen Arabic stories and the activities are reading, writing and comprehension. The units we’re doing this term are about the four seasons and Ramadan. As well, we will be doing some activities about “Jar of Life” to explain the importance of time in our life and to priorities the time for important things.

Mrs. Eman Alabbassi
Arabic Language Teacher